Photos Lost

It has been a hard month for me... My hard drive failed and I couldn't open any of my photo files. I am very lucky to have a good friend, who works in IT, try to help me out and recover my photos. Unfortunately at the moment though he was able to recover everything... to a certain extent, I am not able to open to edit about 80% of them at the moment. I am currently trying to find a way to get them back but am becoming more and more less hopeful as time goes on. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I will be devastated to lose any of my photos but especially the photos of the whales that have passed away in the last 4 years. Those are completely irreplaceable. Thank goodness I have some saved to Dropbox!

RIP Granny J2 the oldest orca on record! You will be missed more than you will ever know!

Granny's distinctive crescent moon shaped notch that made her dorsal fin so easy to recognize.

Granny's distinctive crescent moon shaped notch that made her dorsal fin so easy to recognize.

Granny J2 breaching on the left and possibly J19 Shachi breaching on the right!

Granny J2 breaching on the left and possibly J19 Shachi breaching on the right!

Granny J2 in the foreground of this resting group of Southern Resident Killer Whales.

Granny J2 in the foreground of this resting group of Southern Resident Killer Whales.

Happy New Year!!! Here we go 2016!

With the beginning of a new year it is always good to reflect on all that the last year brought us and what we have to look forward to, not just this year but in all the years to come. This last year I have been so thankful for the wonderful people in my life, friends, family and even the odd stranger ;) I am also ecstatic over all the new babies that have been born to our critically endangered Southern Resident Orca population (currently we are sitting at 8 new babies since late December 2014) that is truly exceptional!!! I am looking forward to seeing these little ones grow and thrive and have babies of their own (Nature willing). I am still devastated by the loss of the beautifully endearing Rhapsody J32 and her unborn daughter who would have brought our baby total up to 9. I was so excited to see how she would be as a mother and if she would pass on her playfulness to her offspring, something we will never get to see. I am excited to get back out on the water to see these incredible animals and see how frequently we will get to visit with Humpback whales this coming season, will their numbers continue to rise? I feel very lucky to get to go out and photograph animals of all types and I'm thrilled that I now have this medium to share these photos with you! As I broaden my photography horizons, I hope you will join me on this adventure called life. Make each moment count and always take a little time to just take in your surroundings, stopping to inhale and exhale a big deep breath before moving on.

Wishing you all Love, Laughter and a Life full of Adventure!

New Section!!!

Who would have thought I would add a people section to my website??? Well turns out I like taking photos of almost anything that is beautiful or interesting! So even though the majority of my photos tend to be animals of one form or another, there are incredibly beautiful people in this world and I like photographing them too. After all, we are ALL animals! This endeavor takes time and as I am always taking photos this site will always be changing or at least increasing in size. I still have a few sections that I need to beef up but I'm working on it steadily. I also appreciate any feed back people have to offer. This is an exciting step in being able to share my photos with a wider audience. I truly hope that this website and my photos help you to find a little bit of beauty in our world. Thanks again for taking time out of your day to check in with me.

Wishing you all Love, Laughter and a Life full of Adventure!

The Start of Something New!!

Well we can't leave this page blank, now can we!?!? NO! This website is new to me and it is an exciting step in the ever wonderful adventure of my photographic life. I am privileged to have an incredible job that allows me the opportunity to take photos of some truly amazing animals and I am thrilled to have a new way to share those photos with you! I hope you all enjoy the magical moments, the mundane yet beautiful moments, the surprising and blissful moments that I have been able to capture!

Wishing you all Love, Laughter and a Life full of Adventure!